National Policy Council Membership

The policies of the Auto Recyclers Association of Australia are formulated by the ARAA National Policy Council. This Council is made up of people who have a passion for our industry and who want to participate in shaping the future directions for auto recycling in Australia.

ARAA wants to be an inclusive association where the views of all persons are able to be heard and considered, and where policy is developed based on the widest possible input from within the membership.

In addition to the National Policy Council, ARAA will have a number of Policy Development Committees whose role will be to consider in greater detail specific issues affecting our industry, and to develop policy proposals for consideration by the Council.

In order to minimise the time demands on members, all meetings are held by teleconference. We invite all members who want to have a say in the future of our industry to register their interest in either the Council or a Policy Development Committee.

You can register your interest by ringing David Nolan on 0418 829 110.

Register interest in working with the Nation Policy Council